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STDs! When we think of STDs, we think of Syphilis and Gonorrhea and how they cause discharge on the genitals, and a rash or two which goes away after taking a round of antibiotics. But that’s not all! Sexual Health is an important element of overall health; and just like how all organ systems are interconnected - so is the case with sexual health and all other aspects of the body. Today let's see why STDs need to be tackled and why sexual health needs to be talked about more often in the entire health community. 

Understanding STDs

Firstly, let us understand what STIs or STDs are - any infection that can spread via sexual contact, be it oral sex, vaginal, or anal sex; can be classified as an STI. Thus, many different types of organisms and infections can be spread; from bacterial infections like gonorrhea and syphilis to viruses like herpes and HIV, or even parasites like trichomonas. While some STIs like syphilis or gonorrhea are easily treatable, others like hepatitis B or HIV have a much more fatal prognosis and are very difficult to manage. Wanna learn more about STDs? Follow this link learn more about STDs in Episode 23 of Science with Saathi! 

Why address STDs?

Cervical cancer is caused by HPV, which is also spread sexually; making virtually all cases of cervical cancer possibly preventable. While HPV is one of those STIs that has a direct correlation with a bad prognosis like cancer, other STIs are equally bad. Hepatitis B and C can lead to liver failure requiring transplants, and lifelong medication. Similarly, HIV can lead to full-blown AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) - which leads to a shutdown of one’s immune system and can lead to a plethora of other illnesses that can be deemed fatal at any time, while also requiring medication for life. Many infections like syphilis or herpes if left unaddressed or untreated, can cause serious and unrepairable damage to many parts of the body. In short, there can be very negative and potentially fatal consequences from getting an STI/STD.

Safe Sex Practices

Hence, it is established that STDs aren’t simply a rash to take care of or an infection that needs a quick solution. Every time unprotected sex is performed without taking proper care, one exposes oneself to a plethora of issues that are easily preventable. So, what is the solution? Protected sex! Having an expressive sex life, and having the freedom to perform intimate acts with anyone is your choice - but it is important to maintain your health when you do it. Use a condom when having sex, because only a condom (or a diaphragm) - which is barrier protection - can prevent STIs; all other birth control methods can only prevent pregnancy. Also, it is a good choice to do an STD panel every six months if you are to engage in casual sex. Not only does that ensure that your health is up to date, but it also helps to keep your partner informed and comfortable.

Taking Charge of your Sexual Health

You have the power to protect your health and the health of your partners. By making informed choices, practicing safer sex, and getting regular testing, you're taking control of your sexual well-being. Take the next step. Schedule your STI test today. Talk to your partner. Use protection. Your health is worth it.

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