â Be a part of our new loyalty program
â Join our community and start getting seeds
â Earn discounts and save on products!

Earn rewards with our new loyalty program!
All you have to do to join our community of eco-warriors is sign up for an account and start earning Saathi seeds today. Our rewards system is both easy-to-use and completely free.
Ways to Earn

Make a purchase
5 seeds per âš100

Create an account
Earn 10 seeds

Leave a review
Earn 10 seeds

Birthday rewards
Earn 10 seeds

Follow us on Twitter Instagram
Earn 5 seeds

Join our newsletter
Earn 5 seeds

Once you have earn enough seeds you can redeem them for discounts! *Please note trial packs and pad pouches are exempt from earning points.
Seeds will show up in your account 10 days after your purchase, but other completed actions will receive seeds immediately.
Points expire if not used within 6 months. Youâll be notified 30 days before they expire. Be sure to check your email!
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