We were lucky to spend this Motherâs Day with the 30 incredible moms leading our #OneMillionPads program in Jharkhand. The #OneMillionPads program provides menstrual hygiene education and Saathi biodegradable sanitary pads to thousands of women living in Bhandra block, a collection of 45 villages located in Jharkhand. On this occasion, we were reviewing the inâs and outâs of Saathi pads: why we use banana fibre, how often to change the pads, where to dispose of them, etc. Now the sevikas (healthcare workers) will be ready to answer questions about Saathi pads from women in their villages when we start pad distribution next month.
A big thank you to these amazing women who are loving mothers and agents of change in their community! To help us reach more women through our #OneMillionPads program, donate here.